75 years of activity


Following the joint event organized in Zagreb last year, the two ensembles continue to cooperate. This time, the two groups present a joint performance in connection with the 70th anniversary celebrated by LADO in Budapest.

More about the concert: www.heritagehouse.hu/page/380/


Hagyományok Háza (Hungarian Heritage House)

Datum: 14.06.2019 Vrijeme: 19h

Trg Republike Hrvatske 6a, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

OIB: 28251263363

MB: 3213862

Tel: +385 1 4828 472, 4828 473; Fax: +385 1 48 28 474

E-mail: lado@lado.hr

IBAN: HR6123600001101270924, Zagrebačka banka


"Folklor je kao i livada, puna raznobojnog poljskog cvijeća, ništa u njem nije isto, uvijek je sve novo, uvijek je malo drugačije i još ljepše..." - Zvonimir Ljevaković