76 years of activity


UNTAMED - Borna Šercar's Jazziana Croatica feat. LADO

UNTAMED - Borna Šercar's Jazziana Croatica feat. LADO

Izdavač: Croatia Records

Godina izdanja: 2022

Dobitnik diskografske nagrade Porin za najbolji World Music album.

Veliko je sad veselje - hrvatske uskrsne pučke popijevke

Veliko je sad veselje - hrvatske uskrsne pučke popijevke

Izdavač: Mast Produkcija i LADO

Godina izdanja: 2021

Dobitnik diskografske nagrade Porin za najbolji album folklorne glazbe.

LADO Electro 2.0 Memorabilium

LADO Electro 2.0 Memorabilium

Izdavač: Aquarius Records CD 603-18

Godina izdanja: 2018

Pasijom kroz hrvatske krajeve / Passion through Croatian Regions

Pasijom kroz hrvatske krajeve / Passion through Croatian Regions

Izdavač: LADO

Godina izdanja: 2014

At the 20th Passion Heritage event, a programme was prepared with the selection of most successful Lent songs and melodies from Croatian regions, musically covered by almost all authors who worked with Lado on previous Lent events. The concert in Zagreb was held at the Zagreb Cathedral, and a separate performance was recorded live in Studio Bajsić at HRT, on 19 April 2011. This CD is a recording of that concert.

Pjesme naroda Europe / Songs of European Peoples

Pjesme naroda Europe / Songs of European Peoples

Izdavač: LADO

Godina izdanja: 2013

Using all of its vocal and instrumental potential, which was developed and shaped on the Croatian traditional heritage, the LADO ensemble presented itself as a performer of songs of European peoples as well. This programme, in a somewhat shorter form, was first performed in 1985 at the Croatian Institute of Music in Zagreb, marking the European Year of Music.

Returning after 25 years in an extended form, the programme was presented to the public at the Dubrovnik Summer Games. With this record, LADO provided a more contemporary interpretation of the melodic and poetic heritage of European people, which means that almost all tracks on the CD are based on traditional songs, which have been refurbished and adapted to the sensitivity of a modern audience.

Trg Republike Hrvatske 6a, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

OIB: 28251263363

MB: 3213862

Tel: +385 1 4828 472, 4828 473; Fax: +385 1 48 28 474

E-mail: lado@lado.hr

IBAN: HR6123600001101270924, Zagrebačka banka


"Folklor je kao i livada, puna raznobojnog poljskog cvijeća, ništa u njem nije isto, uvijek je sve novo, uvijek je malo drugačije i još ljepše..." - Zvonimir Ljevaković